It’s Ours!
We did our final walk-through, received our house keys, and are officially in possession of our new home!!
Shannon has been there several times to measure, take note of a few things while trying to figure out furniture purchases, but this was the first time the children and I had been there. Y’all it was even better than the pictures we’d been sent. So much better. You may remember the pictures from this post, but as we learned today they didn’t do it justice.
Apparently there’s a security system with motion detectors all throughout the rooms and floor, so while my husband and I were being taught how they all work the children explored every nook and cranny before settling along the far wall in the living room. They missed the very interesting conversation on how to call the security company should we accidentally set things off (and let’s be real, it’s going to happen), but they were all over the remote controls along the walls and the sliding doors. I can’t say I blame them.
Etiquette note: yes, we are all barefooted or in socks-even the security team and realtors. We’ve done this ever since our last living in experience in Tokyo. As it is the practice to remove your shoes the moment you enter a home and place them into a shoe closet, no one wears shoes indoors. Not only does it makes things quieter, it prevents you from dragging in dirt and debris into past your threshold. When you think about it it’s kind of a no-brainer, but for some reasons I’ve never seen it done anywhere else.
But back to cool things-like the wine fridge. SERIOUSLY. Do you know what a draw this was for me? It was as if the realtor had been watching my Facebook and Instagram, figured out what would seal the deal, and brought this to my husband. Win win win, y’all! I already have a bottle of Veuve Clicquot ready to put in there and no doubt a few more bottles will make their way in there.
This entire move is cause for celebration after all so why not enjoy every moment of this ride for the next few years? We’re so glad you’ll be with us during every twist and turn! Happy weekend y’all. We’ll see you on Monday on moving day.