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la·gniappe \ˈlan-ˌyap, lan-ˈyap\  Noun Chiefly used in Southern Louisiana and Southeast Texas. 1. A small gift given with a purchase to a customer, by way of compliment or for good measure; bonus. 2. A gratuity or tip. 3. An unexpected or indirect benefit.

Jackson found his perfect pumpkin-it passed his touch test inspection!
Madeline is always the biggest helper
Because hard-boiled eggs and avocado toast after barre is always a good idea!
Now this is a first day of school picture-smiles, laughter,  and regal waves
Mmm.jpg Thinking back to our pimento grilled cheeses makes me extra glad I took that 6 am barre clas
Happy 12th Night y'all! It's Mardi Gras time
An Hermes scarf makes any simple dress extraordinary
Dear _starbucks, I adore your new cups. They're a compliment to spring fashion and make my heart ver
I spy with my little eye resistance bands at Pure Barre
I am thankful for sweet treats delivered by sweeter friends.jpg Thank you _honorleigh414! The Irish
An Irish blessing to each of you today
What asthma_ This boy doesn't let anything slow him down and rocked the course at today's Jog-A-Thon
Can you tell the sun was in their eyes_ It's okay-they're thrilled that the bands have arrived
The temps in sunny SoCal make it feel like it's time to hit the pool!
Who needs leprechauns when you're getting into shaving cream shenanigans just fine on your own_
Messy hair, lips don't care
Words of wisdom to remember before the week begins
Spending an evening out raising money for our charities with friends and family makes everyone reall
Damn right
When the children have half days every day, multiple tutoring sessions, ministry classes, and mom ha
Sweet bebe finally got his haircut
If your Monday begins with a meeting, good coffee and friends always make it worth while
Tonight our sweet Cub Scout earned 5 new belt loops
When the champagne cork gets you.jpg Mmm Napa
One of the signs of a good man_ He gives his daughter flowers as well
Beyond blessed to have such sweet friends! It was a delicious and happy board meeting
Cheers to 39!
Here's to kicking off early birthday celebrations right! A morning spent at the Four Seasons Spa wit
Thanks to Mom and Daddy the birthday King Cake arrived and we're going to continue with the early ce
Lessons in making pork soup dumplings_ the food remedy for a bad cold
Nothing beats a green eggs and ham pizza on national pizza day!
Dining at our favorite Chinese restaurant and taking in the mountains
I already tell my husband when I am sick, the pork soup dumplings will help me to feel better.jpg I
Homemade salsa verde for tonight's chicken enchiladas.jpg Mmmm.jpg Smell that_ It's a winner of a di
A quinoa bowl with a good friend is a feel-good way to get into the day
While others are still snuggled in their pj's this awesome girl is out there covering the senate swe
Party ready!
It's a shame he has no personality
Someone is at his first reconciliation workshop and enjoying it
Thinking of Tokyo tonight
This is my son.jpg He's awesome
Mardi Gras nutcrackers always make the transition from Christmas to Carnival time much more festive!
Yummy yummy
Oven roasted meatballs on creamy parmesan polenta
Prep work is underway for an indulgent New Year's Eve meal_ filet of beef with Gorgonzola sauce, gri
Bon appetite!
I am in love with our NYE cupcakes!
Back to the barre in the new year!
Did the chauffeur do it_ Madeline is dressed the part for a murder mystery evening with her friends
I am a firm believer that charity and compassion begin in the home
A resounding _Bye Felicia!_ to 2016 with my final gingerbread latte of the year
When we lived in Tokyo we were thrilled to dress in our Star Wars costumes for a party in Shinjuku
In keeping with another tradition, the _one gift before Christmas_ presents were opened! Thank you _
Celebrating the first day of Christmas break with the best of West Hollywood!
It's not a trip to the outlets without a stop at Wetzel's Pretzels
Enjoying our Christmas Eve dinner tradition of a favorite from home_ red beans & rice with cornbread
Lunch time heaven!
Post-Holiday Dinner happy face
When it’s 33 degrees outside and you’re starving post-barre, you let your parents take you to your f
Wishing everyone who has tests, projects, and finals this week the best of luck! Our sweet girl has
Keeping things super comfy and casual today, enjoying time with family and plenty of coffee
Toasted marshmallow milkshakes make the days merry and bright
Celebrating the first half of our year
This sweet boy did a great job in today's musical program
The cocoa sipper
It's time to sip and shop!
At the Centennial Guild's private shopping event
I came home from barre to Mama's pot roast and cream cheese mashed potatoes.jpg My limbs are tired,
She's so happy to have spotted the croissants.jpg The private shopping event at Nordstrom's is off t
They're off to spend the night at the Natural History Museum
Santa has arrived!
Service with a smile! Our hearts are happy as we prepare to lead the community in the most highly an
Prosciutto and burrata-it doesn't get much better than this
Lybations is everything y'all
Merry Sithmas! It's Ugly Christmas Sweater Thursday during Rally Week
They're here!
Getting ready to tame these curls then head out to a fun social at The Closet!
Making the bar cart merry and bright for Mom and Daddy's arrival tonight
Yum and done! Dinner anyone_
It's Spirit Week and this girl is ready for Tacky Tourist Tuesday as a Saints fan
Important words to remember if you find yourself on the receiving end of someone else's unkindness.
I have no context for this, but they're happy and we're happy so now it's time to go home
Simple decorations for my little boy's room
Saying goodbye to our sweet girl as she leaves for a weekend retreat with her Confirmation class
Happy Holla Daze from the little ninja! It's crazy day at school and he has gone all in
Let the return to Monday morning routines commence!
Picking up unique items for the holidays while at home makes celebrating the season all the more spe
Tis the season for cocktail parties
These two were such good sports as we crammed in pictures for our Christmas cards
The Grilled Cheese Truck is here and our tummies are about to be very, very happy
Feeding the giraffes
Having fun spinning around before the tour
Layer two on the tree means adding glittery fronds!
It's almost time.jpg.jpg
Getting in a barre class before hitting Cafe du Monde.jpg.jpg.jpgagain
We're off the Global Wildlife then to see some fantastic beasts and Gilmore Girls.jpg This is my kin
These two.jpg.jpg.jpgtaking a storage unit visit to kooky and hilarious places
Because shopping requires a hurricane daiquiri
Can it be 6 so we can heat up the cornbread dressing and eat_ I am beyond ready to eat
Memories flood back as we visit a theatre where I spent middle and high school year's performing.jpg
I'll see y'all later
Happy am I at Sacred Heart!
Does Madeline have a secret to share_ Nah, but she does love ASH's XC team!
But first, feeding the geese at our pond
Meanwhile, the boys are out by the lakefront
The Marigny Benedict is the best way to get ready for a trip back to Sacred Heart and the Quarter
No one does tea sandwiches quite like they do here
She's ready for her pot of earl grey
Being back in Le Salon makes me feel completely at home
Champagne and a white chocolate covered strawberry
Meatballs and polenta, don't knock it 'til you try it!
I'm so glad this is right down the street from Mom and Daddy's house.jpg Cafe au lait, work your mag
White chocolate bread pudding and vanilla gelato for the win
Eye can't believe we're on our way home!
Following this logic, I've had my two full servings of fruit today
I love this.jpg Your power is in your approach.jpg Accept the challenge and take control
The little ninja is loving the lucha libre birthday party for one of his friends-complete with masks
Don't mess with the little ninja!
Our red, white, and blue sangria is getting ready to go into the fridge to chill
The Key Club is off to rally and I really dig the flower crowns
We have our cupcakes for tonight's poll-watching party! And yes, I realize now I should have picked
Happy birthday Toni!
This sweet boy is off for his first Cub Scout campout with his Daddy.jpg Wishing them both fun and w
I just rocked my right to vote! Make sure all y'all get out there and make yours count
Signing the birthday girl's giant champagne bottle
Gingerbread Boutique ready
On the blog_ designing a simple champagne perfect bar cart. Link in profile
Sipping gingerbread while attending Gingerbread
The Dark Knight and the dirty cop
The moment you put on your unbrushed wig and Halloween costume and get excited for a very fun Monday
It's a gorgeous post-barre meal_ oatmeal with honey, bananas, dried cranberries, and granola
Happy 17 years to this fella. Though you can't see it completely, were smiling at one another in thi
We are proud to see Madeline's writing flourishing at the school paper. Her piece on the Senate race
Friends, the Bloody Lucille has been tasted and is every bit as tasty as it looks
Cheers to Friday breakfasts with a dear friend _maria_kielbasa
Love strong, live strong, raise strong
Saturday night is alright for going on a double date
_theinvisiblejet throws the best get togethers
The best meatballs in the world have been  popped in the oven for a tasty Friday dinner
Happy 20 years ladies! I love being a part of the Sacred Heart family and wish I could be there to c
I know he needs a haircut when his hair covers his eyebrows, but it's hard not to adore that perfect
Getting ready to watch our girls run!
Simple wreaths hang on the children's bedroom doors to celebrate the seasons
Food can be tasty and fun! Roasted red pepper and tomato soup served with yummy grilled cheese dippe
A little dirt and some tombstones and now we've got Graveyard Pie!
Can I get an Amen_  #wisewords #friendship #women #strongwomen
Stalking through the corn maze.jpg.jpg
So proud of our Oak Park Eagles and of Madeline for bringing home medals from Clovis!
On the blog_ how to make your own friendly circle of ghosts.jpg Link in profile
Too cool for this pumpkin patch
Madeline's view while in Fresno.jpg California does provide stunning sunsets
We had a bunch of black and white pictures arrive today courtesy of _shutterfly
On the way to a charity dinner for one of my favorites! Breast cancer is a cause near and dear to my
Nutella pizza with a good friend.jpg After all the barre classes this week-it was earned
The filling for our lasagna is almost done!
My _cheesy_ children.jpg Love them so much
My favorite pop-up boulangerie makes the most amazing pastries.jpg Naturally I had to pick a few.jpg
Tonight's presidential debate deserves a meal guaranteed to be both tasty and substantial
Saying farewell to Big Bear with a delicious caramel spiced cider from my favorite place in the Vill
Big Bear bound! Y'all have a marvelous weekend
Color guard representing
Homecoming is a totally serious affair.jpg.jpg.jpgif you can't tell
I figure tonight is as good as any to make a _healthy_ (ain't no such thing) nacho pie
Today we're enjoying the two c's_ champagne and crafting with the girls
This child was rocking on the violin today! Thank you to The Music Van for bringing your symphonic i
The little ninja got not one, but TWO Ninja Turtle stickers at his doctors appointment today because
Homecoming dress shopping requires the three c's_ credit, champagne, and the best company
We're so proud of our girls! So strong, so unstoppable
It's just the right size
Quiet dinner for one with sangria
Morning greetings from Disneyland and my men
They're going international this year for the Pancake Race!
Post-barre pick-me-up_ tomato, cheddar, and chive frittata with avocado.jpg Mmmhmm
The sun's in his eyes and excitement in the air as a new year of Cub Scouts begins  for our Bear
On the blog_ 11&3.jpg _Link in profile
Getting ready for a fun night with friends new and old
She's home and we're all so happy! It's the best balm
Happy Birthday Emily!
I just dropped this sweet girl off for her third year of high-altitude training in Mammoth
And she's off for the annual 8 mile beach run with the team
Fig and mascarpone gelato and a game of checkers.jpg Fun times with the little ninja while big siste
Fundraising meetings are always made better with great food
Celebrating a dear friend's birthday
Pretty in purple
Prosecco and grilled cheese_ happy hour of champions
Going in for the pork xiaolongbao
Roasted chicken with onions, carrots, garlic, and thyme
Continuing our Spring meeting with some yummy food
Off to Stonehaus for wine with the girls
On Friday's we wear pink
Red, white, and blue eyes
Early Happy Fourth!
Lunching at the farmers market to kick off the weekend
Happy birthday sweet boy!
Let's do this! It's time to party and celebrate our little ninja
Tomato and burrata salad before our Friday pasta dinner
Fresh from the oven_ mini-blueberry muffins prepared by the little ninja
This is how you do birthday cookies!
Almost ready to celebrate someone's birthday! _cathirsh
Trying to beat the heat in simple summer whites
Touch a truck shenanigans!
Happy Father's Day to these two amazing men. It's an incredible blessing to have you as a constant p
Today is going to be 104 degrees in the shade-time to work off some energy with his little boy at in
Krispy Kreme birthday love!
Happy 8th birthday to our sweet boy who is joy incarnate
His day has been made (you can decide which one I'm talking about and only the small box is for is)
My hearts!
My friends_ the s'mores waffle shot macchiato
And thank you _inagarten for the most delicious bangers & mash recipe
This little innovator had a great time at his Lego robotic camp this past week
True love means never having to say I'm sorry for making you act crazy in the photo booth
Our hearts are full and grow fuller still with our ability to positively impact and give to amazing
Cheers to many successes and disbursing funds to our charities! Giving back to our community is such
I'm not saying this is an accurate representation of my children.jpg.jpg.jpgbut, ah, wait, yes it is
When your area is experiencing a widespread power outage you grab your family, sip a stout, and enjo
Y'all know by now he we love to draw out birthday celebrations. This week is no different
Theatre selfie as we wait for TMNT 2 to begin! High three's to all my shell-heads
Thumbs up for a great day out!
This cool dude isn't too cool to give his mama kisses!
The three parts of my heart❤️
This child is fearless
Standing by this great First Lady while preparing to visit the Vatican Exhibit
I'm gonna rock you like a Hurricane!
Madam President will fulfill all of her promises
Really, he does love her.jpg.jpg.jpgand loves being carried by her
Nutella stuffed churro celebration for the end of the school year
Celebrating one year of Sitr at the Four Seasons this morning! Gotta love a dancing coffee cup
Thick as thieves, they might like one another.jpg.jpg.jpgjust a little
Though he was technically born at the tail end of Spring, since his birthday occurs over summer brea
Killing time before our _early birthday dinner_ at the Lakes
Off to Santa Barbara for the final field trip of the year with this silly child
Jackson was upfront from the get go with our waitress that his birthday wasn't until June, but after
Madeline.jpg Seriously.jpg Stop rebelling against authority.jpg That's a super serious sign
Enjoying the final district meeting of the year in Sherman Oaks
An afternoon of Belgian waffles and avocado toast with this sweet girl
Today's a big day_ Madeline is taking the AP Bio test
It's a privilege to be a part of something larger than yourself, and to serve the community is the g
Hair did! Now I'm ready for tonight's banquet with my Juniors
Lunch with this gorgeous girl and a cherry pop fizz to celebrate a stellar Friday
Celebrating with our Westlake Juniors Board and some gorgeous cookies!
Y'all don't understand how happy I was to catch Mr. Stoic chasing me around with these grabbers
A family favorite has been pulled out for the evening
I couldn't wait until 5.jpg.jpg
Inspiration for tonight's birthday set up came in numerous nods to our home_ mossy greens, dogwoods
We're up bright and early cleaning up the Oak Park community for Big Sunday!
She's a great girl with great friends having a great time being celebrated
The table for tonight's party has arrived! And yes, I am doing a little happy dance
Happy birthday, darling!
All partied out.jpg.jpg.jpguntil his birthday in June
Waiting for the Jungle Book in style and preparing to order our yummy treats
_Y_ be a volunteer_ To enjoy a gorgeous day on the North Ranch golf course while supporting the Triu
It's in the early stages of what will be competing in the Pinewood Derby, but this _Saints_ational b
Madeline's birthday invitations are so amazing they need to be shared!
The most spectacular birthday wishes being sent to the most wonderful 16-year-old
Braised short-rib street tacos for the win!
Wow. With all the balloons in the back of the car you'd think that something big is happening this w
Almost sixteen and sweet as can be
Thank you to all the marvelous girls (some of whom are not pictured as well) for coming to start Mad
One more day until this lovely child who was born with a full head of lush locks and bright BLUE eye
WOW! This is a serious flashback to when my husband and I were still college students, singing our h
5 more days until my favorite tea companion turns 16!
Enjoying the _amazeballs_ amazeballs and the white truffle Thirty Mac 'n cheese with a great friend!
First week back at run club and he attacked the field!
6 more days until 16.jpg.jpg
One week ago today Jackson was engaged in a lightsaber duel with Disney World store employee
When one goes on safari, one brings plenty of coffee and their spirit for adventure
It's good to be armed with ambition and a wand
We're feeling kind of wild this morning-time to take the family to the Animal Kingdom for some fun a
Butterbeers for the win!
So happy on their way to 'Be Our Guest' for a scrumptious dinner
Hoppy Easter from our family to yours!
Loving the UK (and to our friends there, guess who wants to go there for her senior gift_)
My children.jpg They're kind of epic
Oh hello Southern humidity! I forgot all about you until the wild, uncontrollable waves sprang to li
Live long and prosper at Pirates of the Caribbean!
Tuckered out!
Sunrise over L.jpgA.jpg See y'all later alligators! We out
They love sitting next to one another
_When do Mimi and DeeDee get here so we can play__ asks the boy who has been to Disney parks around
We're so proud of Madeline for getting her CERT certificate! She's officially a member of the commun
Breakfast tea with a friend
On the blog_ the little ninja, his second grade class, and the school jog-a-thon.jpg Link in profile
We feel the need...for speed..
Every Friday meet-up should begin at Sonehaus.jpg.jpg.jpgjust saying
After two years of trying we finally made it in for St.jpg Patrick's Day
His hair may look pure Elvis, but his stride is gold
Friday's are for flowers and freesia
illness with the best foods possible
Our beautiful centerpieces with flower wig
Monday mornings mean King Cake for breakfast.jpg It's not a bad way to begin the week
This squirrel and his friends are nuts!
Someone is feeling _squirrelly_ in the fractured fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood
Set up for Wig & Stache is well underway!
Tonight I am especially grateful for sweet friends and sweet treats
And we're off! Taking the little ninja to his first Blue & Gold Dinner
Birthday drinks with the best girls!
Second week of run club!
White chocolate creme brûlée at the Galentine's Dinner is a wonderful end to a wonderful evening
Some days require the big pearls and an extra sweet caramel indulgence
Happy Mardi Gras from our Krewe to yours!
Budino! Butterscotch pudding for the win during brunch
Roasted garlic soup with crispy prosciutto and a drizzle of olive oil
Someone is getting ready for his biography presentation on George Washington
Waking up to a new bunch of gladiolas courtesy of the husband is the best way to begin the weekend
Brunch is served!
Looking back at when we were still living in Tokyo, and visiting Tokyo Disney & Sea
Preparing to press the little scout's uniform for tomorrow's Air Force Museum visit with his pack
Watch out Maverick-there's a new top gun in town! The little guy and his entire pack had a great tim
I'm going to one of my happy places
Reason #2 that I love the baristas at our Starbucks_ they know how to make me laugh
Preparing for Easter
I love that every year at this time a single, beautiful calla lily blooms in our front yard
Cheers to a wonderful weekend with family and friends, and an even better week ahead
Local wineries make for great breakfast spots with friends
Four more days until she's 17!
With my daughter's 17th birthday just around the corner I'm taking a moment to appreciate how good t
That smirk! Tell me I'm not the only one who makes everyone get haircuts before vacations_
Oh yeah.jpg That's right.jpg We're going to be that family.jpg Spring break it is lovely to see you!
The best way to pack for vacation_ Drinking a Bloody Mary while you're not at home
A couple of ham sandwiches. That's what they are
We're sitting outside of Liberty Tavern and waiting for our reservation
Magical times
Happy children make for happy hearts
Making a splash in this gorgeous Florida weather
We're made in the shade, happy as clams, enjoying this time together
My first born is nearly an adult, and while I know this logically my heart still holds fast to these
Bruce is very happy to see these two tasty morsels
Hard strawberry cider and a homemade potato, chives, and cheddar biscuit with salmon tartar are a fi
I had an intense encounter with the Dark Side today. Yes he interrogated me, and yes I totally convi
The Nanaimo Bar Trifle was tiny but cool and delicious on our first stop in Canada's Northern Bloom
The snow queen commeth!
With stars in their eyes and fireworks in the sky it's time to say sweet dreams and goodnight
Enjoying the drive-in at Disney Hollywood Studios and all the nostalgia that comes along with it
If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain..
Jackson is giving his best Blue Steel
We're through the Kali River Rapids, watching the monkeys play, and now it's time to head to Expedit
I count our blessings every day that they have one another.jpg They are the sweetest pair
Painting their car and getting ready for the Pinewood Derby!
This is what a good Friday looks like_ champagne with good friends
Coachella cool for Rally Week!
After almost 20 years together I love that my husband still surprises me.jpg Little loving gestures
I needed a pick me up and it matched my Lilly so I had to try the new _starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino
I love a beautifully wrapped package-even when it's a candy store
Congratulations to our sweet girl on her Confirmation today.jpg We are so proud of her as she contin
An Hermes scarf makes any simple dress extraordinary
Our baked goods are stacked up eye-high and we're not even finished collecting all of them for the d
Happy 16th Anniversay to this wonderful man of mine, Shannon Quon
I was surprised by an early Valentines & birthday arrival
Congratulations to my sweet Jackson for being chosen as _Star of the Week_ at school! He does shine
Serving with so many marvelous women, making a difference in our community as well as each other's l
Mimi, Deedee, and Madeline are happy as clams at a local Italian restaraunt in Olive Branch, MS
Our sweet boy with his long locks
Turning back the clock to our Wig & Stache Party at the Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village, Califor
Gingham and stripes are always a good idea
I cannot wait to share our family photo gallery wall when it's finished! It's been a labor of love t
Winter white never looked so right
Pork roast with veggies and thyme-smells good to me!
Today our family celebrates the Chinese New Year
Happy 12th Night y'all! It's Mardi Gras time
My heart is full, but I'm about to become even Fuller thanks to these absolutely stunning birthday c
Why am I smiling while standing in just above freezing temps on my parents last day in town_ Coffee.
Let's do this!
Time for some roasting
Mmm.jpg Nothing more to be said
She may not be home until midnight tonight, but she's already shared the good news! Congratulations
Drinking glasses for a Southern themed birthday party.jpg It's all coming together.jpg.jpg
Fourth of July strawberry scones with vanilla glaze.jpg A quiet morning with a scrumptious meal.jpg
Celebrating a fabulous luncheon with our amazing new members with a salted caramel cappuccino
Back where it all began.jpg 15 years of the best education, marvelous friends, and invaluable life l
My gorgeous #moniquelhuillier dress just arrived from _renttherunway ! I cannot wait to wear it to t
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