A Jurassic Day in L.A.

When my parents are in town there are some time-honored traditions that we stick to: red beans and rice dinners, a side-splitting game night of dominoes, shopping in Camarillo, and a trip into L.A. to the Original Farmer’s Market and The Grove. As most of you know we made our trip to The Grove on Friday, but there was a larger than life box from Amazon placed right in the middle, and with a “Amazon finds a way” hashtag and we knew it had something to do with the new Jurassic World movie.

Fast forward half an hour and my son, the dinosaur expert, was charming the Amazon box ladies with his knowledge of the various periods and the creatures that existed. In return they invited us back for 10 AM the next day for the big box unveiling where two of our favorite dino wranglers would be in attendance.

That’s right! Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt would be on site! How could anyone with a pulse say no to that? We knew we were going to be coming back, and thanks to these ladies, after a wait in a special line for front row seats we watched as two red Jurassic World Jeep’s pulled the box open to reveal everyone’s favorite dinosaur: the T-Rex.

There may have been some fun while we waited, swag given to the younger ones in the crowd, and Jackson may have been interviewed and won an Amazon Echo for his movie knowledge. Oh who are we kidding? We all know it happened! He was so tickled his answer came out with what he calls ‘full confidence’. I call it a near-shout, but full confidence does have a better ring to it.
You can fast forward to 22:08 if you want to see the official video with Jackson rocking his Jurassic World knowledge and Madeline’s happy support! I was a total goof, of course, being overly giggly and the ultimate bag lady holding their bags, but gracious it was worth it!
We now have plans to make this the first film we see in Japan and thanks to Universal, we have the gear to look good while doing it!

Thanks to The Grove and Universal for making our last trip into L.A. so memorable! It was one for the books and a day we’ll always hold close in our hearts.