Happy Twelfth Night!

Because it’s Carnival ti-i-i-i-ime!
Happy Twelfth Night, Epiphany, kick off to Carnival. Whatever you want to call it, it’s Mardi Gras time friends! We’ve only gotten back to SoCal from New Orleans, but we’re still back there in our hearts. To carry it with us until we’re back home again we’ll be celebrating with some King Cake (saving some for tomorrow’s Saint’s game), pulling out the decorations, and I’m going to brew some Cafe du Monde.
It’s not the same as getting it in those white ceramic mugs, but with the Meters playing it does help and it’s still super tasty. Here’s to the season, one of the most wonderful times of the year, and to savoring every sweet moment.
Now if you’ll excuse me...I have to help my children eat a Haydel’s King Cake.