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Look for the Helpers

In times of crisis there is one man I always look to, seeking his words of wisdom that always ring true. Fred Rogers was heaven sent, of this I feel pretty certain. He had a perspective on life that seemed to shine bright even in the darkest hours. This one story in particular always resonated when things seemed bleak: "When I was a boy and would see scary things on the news my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey many are looking for the helpers, seeking aid, but the blessing that comes from such tragedy is this: our transformation as we become those helpers. From every corner hands are extended, compassion and empathy guiding our actions. Be it through companies, agencies providing relief, churches, corporations, and us, the average man, when tragedy strikes we become the best versions of ourselves and give selflessly.

But what happens after?

When the Red Cross leaves and companies stop giving a portion of their proceeds to the victims of Hurricane Harvey how else can we help beyond donating our time and resources? What can we do to assist with the loss and emotional impact created by such devastation when people are allowed to return home?

Julie Couret is someone I’ve known since high school in New Orleans, and as someone who lived through and documented her experiences during Katrina, I imagine these are some of the questions that ran through her mind while watching Harvey unfold. And she did something I feel is so smart: she reached out through social media to ask for first-hand practices and advice from fellow New Orleanians and Gulf Coast residents. She asked them to share their tips on what to do when returning to your flooded home. And so 'To Texas with Love' was born.

Not only is this advice meant to take away the burden of figuring things out alone, but it helps on a practical level, an emotional one, and with Julie’s blessing I’d like to share the imparted wisdom of many with you all. Please share. Please spread this throughout your own social media pages and with those you know can benefit. Continue to give when you can and keep being one of the helpers.

Thank you, Julie, for being one of them!

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