Monday Musings

Little things all summer have reminded me how time moves forward and certain milestones are approaching for my daughter. They’re sweet reminders, some big, some smaller, more subtle, and my heart is happy for them. It’s happy for her.
But there is a wistfulness present and every day I repeat the same prayer: I pray that every moment is savored and each day appreciated. We’ve dialed it way back this summer so that could happen. Normally we’re going here, going there, doing this, doing that. Adventures are still being had but we’re putting intention behind them. We’re making these moments meaningful.
Yesterday while picking up Madeline’s running shoes for her final season of cross country, I enjoyed watching her run across the mock track inside the store with her brother. They play jousted, chasing one another while she tested several pairs of trainers. Laughter bright, smiles wide I committed that precious snippet to memory. It was another reminder that her time was not only fast approaching- it’s here.
Wednesday she takes her senior portraits, Sunday she leaves for her final year of high-altitude training in Mammoth, the following week she’ll register for her last year in high school and be a senior leader at our local VBS. Finals. They’re everywhere. But so are those steps forward that will carry her onto an amazing path of new beginnings.
That's exciting. It’s worth celebrating. And so is this time for Madeline. So while I may shed a few tears over the next year and indulge in a few extra celebratory glasses of champagne, every toast and every beat of my heart that jumps in anticipation will be for her. It's a fantastic time. It's her time.
Cheers to you sweet girl!