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School's Out for Summer!

Strange as it may sound, it doesn't feel like summertime in California.

It feels more like June with the gloom of overcast skies and chilly temperatures. Even so, today is the last day of school for the 2016-2017 year and we are all breathing a sigh of relief. When they say that Junior year is the toughest they are not kidding-it was long and it was not easy. But yay! We all made it!

It's time to take one final exam, get those yearbooks signed, then ease into a few weeks of well-deserved R & R. We'll begin with the Cajun & Blues Festival this weekend then take some day trips and vacations, watch the runner prepare for her final season of cross country, spend more time in the kitchen cooking together, and go to various camps to keep things interesting.

And beach trips! There will be beach trips.

I'm really proud of both children for jobs well done this year. The book is closed on third and eleventh grades, and now we have a rising senior and fourth grader. Time sure does fly. I'd like to say it's bittersweet but the truth is there's nothing unpleasant about seeing your children grow and blossom into amazing people. That's a joy. A blessing. And so are they.

Happy summertime to the children, parents, families, and without question, the teachers who guide our little ones throughout the year. Yours is a calling not nearly hailed enough and we are so thankful for you.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get the fixings together for a batch of celebratory hot chocolate! School is out for summer!

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