Christ and Chipotle

Catchy title, right? Don't worry, I'll get you there.
Today we celebrated Jackson's First Communion. Last Saturday was his sister's Confirmation but this weekend it was his turn to complete the last two years of Fatih Formation. He was more than prepared to take the wafer and sip the wine, but he was just as ready to put on his bow-tie. Did I mention it was my first time tying one?
Let me let you in on a little secret. I have been anticipating my son's First Holy Communion for years. The vision has always been crystal clear: he was going to wear a blue and white seersucker suit, buck oxfords, and to top it off as the final nod to home, a bow-tie. Needless to say when our parish church sent us the very specific list of what the boys could wear I saw that vision slipping away very quickly.
Well, when life gives you lemons, make sure your bow-tie is yellow like lemonade.
My husband was in charge of finding the dark suit and all necessary accessories and since Jackson doesn't really like dressing up we compromised on the shoes. They're cute aren't they? All credit for the suit, shoes, and socks, go to Zara Kids, but the tie belongs to Collard Greens. I adore the name of this company and their American made products.
In the spirit of disclosure I thought I was purchasing a pre-tied bow-tie. Imagine my surprise when I realized I'd have to figure out to tie it myself! Thankfully there are oodles of tutorials out there and I'll share the one I used later this week. It was very simple and for my first attempt, not too shabby.
The Mass was sweet and the children were so excited! Being able to take Communion with the rest of your family is a big deal-especially if you happen to be a child 8 years behind your only sibling. Everyone was a little antsy, my son may have pointed me out to the entire congregation when the Priest asked who likes to drink wine, but the happiness on the faces of the children when our Priest gave them this special sacrament is something I will not forget for a long time.
A day like this must be celebrated and since it was his, Jackson was told he could choose any restaurant for lunch. The boy knows what he likes and when he yelled Chipotle at the top of his lungs off we went for rice bowls and quesadillas. Future ladies who will date my son, never fear. The time spent at this small eatery will pay off. He will always know the best salsa to go with your meal if he takes you there.
The day was chilly, rain was expected, but as if someone was listening the clouds parted so the sun could shine down on our communicants. There were certain parts of it that could have been a little different, but in the end, it was pretty much perfect.

Happy First Communion Jackson!